Friday, December 7, 2007

Writers Guild Strike 2007, Week Five

Talks behind closed doors have not yielded much in the way of a resolution this week.

Just a few notes and thoughts from the week:

• The Guild gave their blessing to Elizabeth Taylor who didn't wish to "cross" the picket line for a benefit she was doing at Paramount. See link to AP article (at

• Gregg Kilday had an interesting column in the weekend Hollywood Reporter that pointed out how the 1967/8 Oscars brought an end to an AFTRA strike-- could something similar happen this year with the WGA strike? Here's the web address of the article:

• Speaking of the Oscars... although there is some suggestion that the Dreamgirls backlash has led to a quieter Oscar campaign season, could it not also be related to the fact that the late-night talk shows are affected by the strike? Much of the Oscar campaign is seen on the couch opposite Leno, Letterman, etc. Perhaps, this year Oscar voters will have to make their choices, soley by quality!

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